8. OPR Главная страница раздела Просмотр статистики
Подразделы раздела
8.10 HR
8.12 NORM
Norms and Limits
8.8 SUB
8.9 FIN
8.1 SBOT
The Supreme Board of Trustees
8.11 BUD
8.13 PROC
8.14 CONT
Contractual work (The Rules on Memorandums, The Rules on Contracts, Template Contracts)
8.15 DOC
Document management
8.16 H&S
Health and Safety
8.17 RISK
Risk management
8.18 INV
Investment and asset management (including the Regulations for cooperation of private entities and corporate funds with the autonomous organization of education «Nazarbayev University»)
8.19 MPR
Marketing & PR
8.2 BOT
Board of Trustees
8.20 EVE
Events Management
8.21 ETH
Code of Ethics and conflict resolution
8.22 AUD
8.23 AUTH
Authorities (power of attorney, Internal Regulations by authorities)
8.24 SP
Strategic Partnerships
8.25 CAM
Campus Services (sports facilities, parking, auto, accommodation )
8.26 ESM
Educational services management (rendering services by Schools)
8.3 MC
Managing Council
8.4 AC
Academic Council
8.5 RC
Research Council
8.6 DIV
Structural divisions
8.7 OTHR
Other bodies