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InitiatorRandy Hazlett
Date of accession2022-04-11T07:35:46Z
Date available2022-04-11T07:35:46Z
Content/Executive summaryThe document establishes the policy and procedures for the management and compliance during the admission process to the PhD Programs of School of Mining and Geosciences
Retired document
Subject keywordsAdmission Requirements
Title of IRAdmission Policy and Procedures to the School of Mining and Geosciences PhD Programs at the autonomous organization of education Nazarbayev University
Category of IRPolicy
Approval date2022-04-08
Effective date2022-04-08
ApplicabilityNazarbayev University
Approving AuthorityProvost
Decision number40-н/қ
Legacy IRNo
OwnerSchool of Mining and Geosciences
Decision date2022-04-08
Appears in Classification:2.1 ADMS

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Admission Policy and Procedures to the School of Mining and Geosciences PhD Programs.pdfAdmission Policy and Procedures to the School of Mining and Geosciences PhD Programs591.33 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail
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Тау-кен ісі және жер туралы ғылымдар мектебінің докторантура бағдарламаларына қабылдау қағидалары мен рәсімдері .PDFТау-кен ісі және жер туралы ғылымдар мектебінің докторантура бағдарламаларына қабылдау қағидалары мен рәсімдері565.69 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail
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