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InitiatorYenlik Molgozhdarova
Date of accession2025-01-29T04:44:12Z
Date available2025-01-29T04:44:12Z
Content/Executive summaryThe document defines the minimum admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences of the autonomous organization of education Nazarbayev University
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Subject keywordsMinimum Admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences of the autonomous organization of education Nazarbayev University
Subject keywordsMinimum Admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences
Subject keywordsMinimum Admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs
Subject keywordsSchool of Engineering and Digital Sciences
Subject keywordsAdmission
Subject keywordsMaster's programs
Subject keywordsMaster
Title of IRMinimum Admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences of the autonomous organization of education Nazarbayev University
Category of IRPolicy
Approval date2024-12-18
Effective date2024-12-18
ApplicabilityNazarbayev University
Approving AuthorityAcademic Council
Decision number14
Legacy IRNo
OwnerSchool of Engineering and Digital Sciences
Decision date2024-12-18
Appears in Classification:2.6 SEDS

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Minimum admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs of the SEDS.pdfMinimum admission requirements and list of required documents for the Master's programs of the SEDSThumbnail
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