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Title of IR: Policy and procedures for use and operation of corporate electronic mail system in the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev University” and its organizations
Category of IR: Policy
Content/Executive summary: This document defines order of use and operation of mail system in the autonomous organization of education “Nazarbayev University” and its organizations
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Retired: No
Decision number: 02.07.24
Approval date: 2024-07-02
Appears in Classification:7. IT

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Policy and procedures for use and operation of corporate electronic mail system in NU and its organizations.pdfPolicy and procedures for use and operation of corporate electronic mail system in NU and its organizationsThumbnail
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Правила и процедуры по использованию и работе с корпоративной электронной почтовой системой в НУ и ее организациях.pdfПравила и процедуры по использованию и работе с корпоративной электронной почтовой системой в НУ и ее организацияхThumbnail
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